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Sustainability Summit

Sustainability trends and transformative leadership

Step into the future of sustainability at our event in Stockholm, Sweden. Gain insights from Malin Lindfors Speace on global sustainability trends, Maja Bosnic's exploration of gender budgeting, and Anna Jerlmyr's vision for sustainable cities. Discover the importance of data in shaping transitional plans with Meri Podzic and the leadership needed to transform organisations for a more sustainable world, by James Rhee.

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About the event

Date: 6 May 2024
Time: 3 pm to 6 pm
Where: Ethos Office, Kommendörsgatan 30, Stockholm  

As businesses grapple with their role in a changing world, this event seeks to foster collaborative discussions on the actual meaning behind sustainability regulations, strategies and plans. Stakeholders from different sectors will come together to engage in this crucial conversation. The event is designed to serve as a springboard for establishing a coalition of forward-thinking organisations, spearheaded by the expertise and vision of Ethos, and Claim.Impact, As You Know alongside the transformative ethos of red helicopter.


Ethos  - The leading management consultancy specialising in sustainability advisory and data in the Nordics will provide knowledge to the discussions around sustainability regulations and their strategic implications for business and society.   

As You Know,  Berkley, US-based company specialises in curating actionable sustainability data, helping investors make informed decisions and act sustainably, with impact.

Claim.Impact Stockholm, is a business and consultancy hub focused on gender equality and strategic partnerships. 

red helicopter, founded by James Rhee, acclaimed CEO and TED Speaker, focused on bridging math with emotions by marrying capital with purpose, while composing systems that bridge peoples, discipline and ideas.

Keynote Speakers

James Rhee, CEO of red helicopter
James is the founder of red helicopter, a private equity investor and an acclaimed CEO, entrepreneur, MIT lecturer and TED speaker. His TED Talk and Dare to Lead interview with Brené Brown have captured the imagination of millions. James will speak about transformative leadership philosophy and the importance of bridging people, industries and ideas. He will share how red helicopter was born, the media-education platform as well as his continued work at Howard University.

Anna König Jerlmyr
Anna König Jerlmyr is the CEO of Arwidsson Foundation and a former Mayor of Stockholm and vice chair of C40, the world's largest climate network for cities. She has led transformative initiatives on a global scale as chair of Eurocities, Europe's largest network of cities. In her keynote, Anna will share insights on effective city governance, climate action, and fostering innovation for social impact.

Maja Bosnic, Co-founder of Claim.Impact
Maja Bosnic, Co-founder of Claim.Impact is a global gender budgeting, finance expert and international consultant. Maja is working with a multitude of partners and international organisations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, EU and French Development Agency (FAD). She is often invited to do keynotes and is a proud TED speaker on "How to share public money fairly". Maja will speak about gender budgeting in the private sector and share trends for 2024.

Malin Lindfors Speace, CEO of Ethos
Malin is the CEO of Ethos, the leading management consultancy specialising in sustainability in the Nordics. With over 25 years of experience in the field, Speace is a recognised expert in global sustainability regulations spanning the EU, UK, and the US. She is trusted by Fortune 500 companies to guide their management teams and boards towards integrating sustainability seamlessly into their business models and strategies. Speace will share a global sustainability trends outlook and what this means for businesses.

Meri Podzic, CEO of As You Know
Meri Podzic, CEO of As You Know, brings a wealth of international expertise in global organisations like the World Bank and the UNODC. She co-founded Claim.Impact, fostering gender equality and strategic partnerships. Meri's blend of skills in international relations, data analysis, and strategic communications drives her vision for As You Know: using data to inform sustainable practices worldwide.

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After the summit, we will serve drinks and mingle food. Secure your spot now.

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